Chairs: Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni and Michael Winikoff
The new Engineering Multiagent Systems track invites submissions that contribute to the theory and practice of multiagent system development. This includes methodologies, tools and technologies that support the development and engineering of multiagent systems. The aim of the Engineering Multiagent Systems track is to bring together researchers from software engineering and multiagent systems communities to discuss the engineering issues related to the development of multiagent systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Programming frameworks, languages, models and abstractions for all aspects of multiagent systems
- Formal methods and declarative technologies for specification, verification and engineering of multiagent systems
- Multiagent systems software engineering methodologies and techniques, and development concerns (e.g. deployment, scalability and complexity)
- Interoperability and integration
- Tools and testbeds for evaluation of multiagent systems
- Empirical studies and industrial experience reports on engineering multiagent systems applications
- Real-world and innovative applications of multiagent systems